Safehost – Website Bespoke Development
Safe Host was set up to ultimately keep holiday lets safe as there is no real authority looking after this area. With landlords and Airbnb Hosts unsure what their real obligations are and what legislation they should adhere to. A lot of landlords and hosts are unaware that they are liable for any accidents. This can make holidaymakers very vulnerable and in some cases, at risk. This has been voiced in parliament as a problem. Our friends at Safe Host wanted to put something in place to help. A go to place for information and to create a simple test that landlords and hosts could find out in a few seconds. They would just need to answer a few questions to find out if the meet with legistaion.
Orginally based around Airbnb property we set out to create a logo that had the feel of ‘Airbnb’ without infringing on any copyright but also have the feel of safety. The result is a logo that is cool but different to Airbnb although similar enough to have feel of Airbnb about it.
The website itself is focussed around the test which required some website bespoke development. We created a visual front end with multiple choice images which would be visually easy to understand and quick to complete. Once completed there would be multiple options. Whether your property is safe, book a reminder or if unsafe the option to book safety checks. This would take you to a different part of a form that enables users to book services.
The back end of the site records all results for the first part of the test without capturing personal data. Our developers followed the website designs creating some website bespoke development coding work to create additional website functionality. This created the second part of the site records all data and orders. The form itself has all the analytics of the users. The site itself is easy to navigate and has a cool, modern feel to it.
If you want a free quote on any website bespoke development work please drop us an email.
August 2018
Web Design